Monday, November 14, 2011

The Results Are In....

Well, I spoke w/ my neuros office earlier today... Everything came back "normal", so the next step is to get a MRI done of EVERYTHING, I told them I needed to be knocked out for it. I am also wondering, if and when, I will be referred to a urologist. I'm kinda disappointed my results came back "normal", because I'd rather have an infection or something, than play the wait'n'wonder game, like I am now.

I got a letter in the mail from my Lawyer, they are appealing the decision of my denial for SSI, and we're going to court... sometime. I really need to contact the MSAA about getting one of those nicer walkers, because the one I have is not easy to move around with. I was going to look at a cane too... Just something for some support, so I can stop using the wall.

There is a weather change coming in, I can feel it. I told James (my husband) earlier, that I want to move out of Texas & he was like alright let's go! It got me so excited that I could actually get away from this miserable, bi-polar, weather. It's almost Thanksgiving, and I was sweating outside. Something is not right with that picture.

Well my fatigue is getting the best of me, time for some shut eye. Be well, Be happy, Be yourself!


1 comment:

  1. Ashley, early in my MS days when it was pre-dx, stress and hyper-work (which was always) were a sure fire way to bring on the "flipping freakshow" of weird, unexplainable symptoms. If I had been you then - if I had just been to Amsterdam with a "job" of being the eyes and ears of MSWorld, as exciting as it had been - I definitely would have had some sort of exacerbation. Plus dealing with the denial of your Social Security, Plus going to school, PLUS being a Mom, and PLUS living with the climate that you are living in, and a very big PLUS taking on all that you do with MSWorld - give yourself a huge break...
    All of that would have definitely put me in the hospital for a 10 regime of ACTH (that was back in the day!) The holidays are coming up, which would also have pushed me over the edge as I tried to do everything.
    Ashley, GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK. If you try to do it all, you are going to be the one who pays for it...
    Wish I were closer to Texas...I'd park myself in your kitchen and make you some tea, and an apple pie, and a pot roast, not necessarily in that order...but you get the message. SIT DOWN, AND STOP THE NOISE IN YOUR HEAD, AND LET OTHERS TAKE CARE OF YOU FOR A CHANGE. Then get a couple of good movies, and just chill. If you want I have a couple of good books for you to read too. :)
    xoxoxo Lynn from Mars
